Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Television Rest in Piece" or " Sorry, We still get the last laugh"

So, Television has been dead for about 2 weeks now and all we are left with are the inter net, that will inform us of our romances. The inter net, could well be over if we end up having to shoot an ICBM or two, out of space, thus destroying of the satellites. Space Junk. Who would've thought? the first time I was afraid of nuclear war, I was about nine. Yadda, yadda. I'm not here too scare you, just to distract you. Here are my memories of Television. Philo Farnsworth's soul, can finally get some rest. Kudo's too you, Boobe Tube You were great!


Chicago's Only Son...

Before Harpo Studios...

Insane Unknown...

Local Television...

Night Flight... Uncensored video below...

Follow these simple laws...

Little Kiddom...


I'm moving!!! -downstairs. Ben comes back, tonight. Gotta get ready for the 10th. Big system requires big sound. I have ideas about this that I'll elaborate on at the Knitting Factory on the Tenth of July where SSPS will be part of the Eye and Ear Festival.


I played the last one with Excepter, who sadly won't be performing, as we are retreating back through the Black Hole in preparation for the Dog Days and once again preparing a new slew of exciting releases:


A: Shots Ring (Carter Tutti Remix)
B: Stretch (JG Thirwell Remix)
Digital Bonus:
Kill People (Jack Dangers Remix)
Shots Ring Remix Video by Petra Cortright Stretch Remix Video by Frank Macias

You can pre-order the FRKWYS Excepter Remix 12" here:


Motion picture short shot by Harrison Owen of Excepter performing all-new material on three beaches in Big Sur, April 25th & 26th, 2008. Includes vinyl soundtrack 12" and DVD video bonus feature of Excepter's entire performance at The Echo in Los Angeles. Relax to the Max with Paw Tracks.
Release Date TBA! There's word of an Excepter Rust Belt tour...

Gotta get a new transformer for Mr. Mixer. Shit's tough. Won't wave one before the show, I don't think- It's all under control. Watched a movie last night. Having a television doesn't mean anything when you can watch "Psychomania" on your home computer?

The whole movie is great. This is the music video part. Great song!!!

Here's some great modern day videos curated by SONIC YOUTH via PIRTCHFORK MEDIA-
"Any and Every" Video shot by Adam Egypt Mortimer in Hollywood, Passover 2008.

Excepter with A.E.M. @ the DeMilles, originally uploaded by SSPS.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I didn't play trhat show. I put it out there, early. I simply couldn't afford to bring the "band" (equipment) to and from the show and then go over to where I was DJing. The DJ gig paid, and boy, do I need the money. I hope I can somehow get the SSPSBOT over to a gig, this Thursday night, over in the Velodrome (Williamsburg) at a Gallery called "Cameo" on North 6th St with Ducktals (band). I might have at least one way figured out. I'm gonna wash more clothes. Midnight mission. I want clean pants. I'll hit you up.

Friday, June 5, 2009


It's cold outside. This economy is in shambles. I am needing to depend on my creativity for money. It used to be that a day job was enough to make ends meet. Apparently not. Being an artist anywhere is a struggle. What is the next hustle? I am trying to give up drinking alcohol for a month. I can only take it one day at a time. We'll see what happens when I play records tonight for 6 hours. Or, tomorrow, when SSPS plays PARIS LONDON (next to GLASSLANDS), and I am around free libations. The rest of the week has been spent @ FURR CITY, my studio of 5 years. I should be going there soon. BUSHWICK OPEN STUDIOS is happening this weekend. I will present my studio as is, no frills. I'll clean a little. I'll throw away the empty booze bottles and cans. I have records to search for, this evening. This blog will soon be made public, in conjunction with my site maze on google sites. The Secret Servants welcome you.